
My full name is Michelle Fenna Helena Manning. I am Dutch photographer and artist. My creative path began with my education in Interior Design. As a student, I had to scan and edit my interior sketches in Photoshop. This gave me a passion for digital image editing, which eventually led me to study Applied Photography and Image Communication at the Fotovakschool. I obtained my ‘Bachelor of Arts’ in the late summer of 2021.

If I want to see something realistic, I will look at the news or out the window. I don’t need a camera for that. For me, photography is a means of taking people to another reality, a scene in a world that I have created. With the help of a setting, perspective, the choice of a model, I want to try to provoke emotions in people, to take them to another world for a little while. My photographs show often a story that was never written, a film never made. I usually focus on the power of just one image – a single frame of a movie  never made – as opposed to trying to create a plot.

2017-2021 / ‘Applied Photography and Visual Communication’ / Fotovakschool Apeldoorn

2021 / ‘AREA2021’ Graduation Catalogue
2022 / Gup New Dutch Photography Talent

2021 / ‘AREA2021’ Graduation / Loods 6, Amsterdam